Wayne Brady
With dashing good looks, killer comic instinct and a singing voice to boot, this Florida native is ABC’s triple threat. After a paying his dues on game shows (“I’ll take Wayne Brady to block.”), Brady became a “Whose Line Is it Anyway?” staple. From impressions to improv, he has Drew Carey doing spit-takes and the rest of America holding their guts and wiping their eyes, even cracking himself up along the way. This earned him the honor of his own variety show of sorts, appropriately titled “The Wayne Brady Show.” Although not as ingenious as “Whose Line?”, and somewhat restricting and scripted for the quick-witted comic dynamo, the show has potential and beats the pants off of any show containing the phrase “sexy singles.” — AR
Woodchuck Cider
Nothing is better on a cool, autumn Friday night than this brew. Actually, it’s tasty during any season. The drink of choice among our forefathers (John Adams had a little each morning to “calm his stomach”), cider’s popularity declined in the wake of the Civil War and after the advent of malt liquor. But now its resurgence is undeniable. With a variety of flavors to choose from, Woodchuck Cider is a refreshing and sweet change of pace from the typical hops-and-barley excuse for a beverage. The Amber — perfect for regular, yet responsible consumption. The Granny Smith — a special treat for a special occasion. Dark and Dry — for the hearty consumer. Pear — a lovely drink with dinner. From the orchards of Middleburry, Vermont, to your lucky and thankful stomach, cheers to Woodchuck . –AR
You either really love or really hate England’s Stereolab. With Laetitia Sadier’s cherubic, sweet vocals laid over a splendid concoction of shaggy pop, bossa nova and vintage German electronic (Neu!/Kraftwerk), experimental junkies line up round the block — at least at Other Music in the Village — when the four-piece drops some science. Then comes the argument of accessibility, a common complaint amongst the lo-fi fanatics who scorn in the name of guitars. With half English/demi-francais lyrics coupled with a clear socialist bend, there obviously are those not buying/deciphering the group’s coded intent. But I’m going to argue from the side of aesthetics, partially because the lyrics in the liner are scribbled in unreadable type, partially because my French ain’t what it used to be. Sound-Dust, the group’s eighth album and strongest to date, offers a slew of six-minute-plus gems, a refreshing ode to completing-not-depleting musicianship. Recorded and mixed in Chicago by Tortoise’s John McEntire, it is obvious that each brass flare to organ fade was scrutinized by a master’s hand. “Space Mouth,” one of the denser tracks of 2K1, makes “Pyramid Song” seem watered down. Opening with chunky piano banging, scattered flourishes and a twangy guitar bolstering Sadier’s already colorful voice, one really starts to feel Stereolab’s multilayered approach. After some lyrics (I told you we were only speaking on a sonic level) an adroitly segued series of hiccup beats slide into the second part that easily could have been a separate track. Once again keys open, but now instead of one there are two lines, melding both electrified and stand-alone sequences. The weighty track finally raps up with a few seconds of distant bells and an extraordinarily long seven seconds of silence — a digesting time, so to speak. OK, that’s one track of many jewels. Check it out for yourself; you might just find yourself digging “experimental” music. –MR
Resonance Magazine
With the advent of Blender, Maxim’s stab (in the dark) at sexing up music journalism, it is obvious that mainstream American rock magazines are in need of a good kick in the arse (can you say Q America?). Sure, SPIN may still have the best FOB section around, and CMJ still nails covers month after month. But where is the complete package? Seattle, I say. Yes, the birthplace and morgue of America’s last great music movement coughs up one fine glossy. Resonance may be minimalist in design — they implement white space like they can’t afford writers — but the staff (which includes Krist Novoselic) maintains an even, well-thought-out and executed approach to music and its culture. Where else can you find David Sedaris, Ken Nordine and Dan the Automator sharing a venue? Maybe Lotus, but that would be at one hot party. –MR
Blog of the Week
“Woo. I’m hyper. Yeyeyeyeye! I’m just glad I got to sleep in today. I wanna say a quick THANKYE to the lovely lovely Meg, as well as everybody else that has left such lovely comments in my g-book! 🙂 You guys ROCK! I’m also going to take this opportunity to express my fondness for Weezer’s Rivers Cuomo. 🙂 Is he not one of THE most adorable men in the world” What is it about men with glasses” *heh heh* And therefore, along with the new layout (which will be up soon), I will be joining a new Rivers-related clique. All this anthrax stuff is frightening, though. There was actually a scare in MY hometown in Indiana yesterday. Can you believe that? Personally, I’m sick of all this stupid crap. I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to see it, and I don’t even want to hear about it anymore. Unfortunately, there seems to be no escape, which is I guess what they want . . . disgraces that they are.” [http://www.two-knuts.com/~switchblade/]