Returning appeal for appeal, the recent struggles between student government and student groups will open a new chapter when members of Student Services Finance Committee protest the recent Student Judiciary decision that ruled three of its representatives in violation of viewpoint neutrality.
The Chicano/Chicana student-group MEChA demanded a retrial of its eligibility before the Student Judiciary, citing discrimination on the parts of several SSFC members as the reason they were denied eligibility. The group also requested those members of SSFC be removed from office.
SSFC representatives Ryan Nichols and Drew Horn received warnings for “non-malicious viewpoint-neutrality violations;” representative Mark Baumgardner was found guilty of a “malicious viewpoint-neutrality violation” and subsequently had his position confiscated.
However, Monday night’s SSFC meeting saw Baumgardner back in his seat at the table during funding hearings. SSFC chair Roman Patzner affirmed that, because of the impending appeal, Baumgardner will retain his position on the committee until the proceedings, as well as afterward, if the judiciary rules in his favor.
“The student judiciary felt there was enough merit to my appeal to keep me on the committee,” Baumgardner said.
According to Horn, the decision to appeal seemed an obvious choice, since he did not agree with the warning he received, the removal of Baumgardner from office or the ruling to allow MEChA a new eligibility hearing.
“The Student Judiciary’s decision was completely incorrect,” Horn said. “We should get rid of these practices in the judiciary. They’re abusing their powers by ruling against our MEChA decision.”
Horn also asserted the warning he received was a violation of the judiciary’s own bylaws, since he was not one of the members originally accused of a violation.
SSFC vice chair Jason Davis said the voices of Baumgardner and Horn on the tape of MEChA’s eligibility hearing, presented as evidence during the trial, are committing indisputable violations of viewpoint neutrality.
“I believe any effort to nullify the ruling made by the Student Judiciary would be a waste of time and energy,” Davis said.
He Horn and Baumgardner should admit their errors and move on rather than continuing to pursue the issue in the student court system, Davis said.
In addition to the appeal, Horn said there will be a request made to remove Student Judiciary member Jordan Green. Green was appointed to fill a temporary position last year and was never officially elected to fill this semester’s position, according to Horn.
“He’s incorrectly sitting on the judiciary,” Horn said. “This directly affects our appeal because he was the strongest voice in removing [Baumgardner].”