Three recipes a week is at once too few and too many.
Too few considering the hundreds–literally hundreds–of recipes I sift through over the course of a month. Just this past Sunday, I had to choose between rhubarb crisp, rhubarb crumble, rhubarb muffins, and rhubarb chutney. Endless options, all of them viable. Choices, choices!
Then again, three recipes seems too many considering all the material (i.e. practical) constraints. Running a food blog has been time-intensive to say the least. Given all that goes into a single post–researching, shopping, prepping, making, baking, serving, photographing, writing, editing and finally, with one click of a button, publishing–it’s a wonder I get anything else done at all.
A not-so-dire dilemma, to be sure, but a dilemma nevertheless.
Enter “Too delicious to miss”, in which I’ll link a number of the many recipes I considered featuring but, for some reason or another, cut from my final selection.
Oh, this is rich: Just as I was finishing writing this introductory piece, I realized the terrible, awful, no-good, utterly shameless double meaning of the headline, which should be read as merely announcing the name of the new installment, “Too delicious to miss“, rather than proclaiming that this new installment is supposedly just “too delicious to miss”, as if I’m reviewing my own blog.