When I was in high school, I had a teacher who, whenever she saw her students gazing off into the distance, eyes glazed over, and not paying any attention whatsoever in class, would call them out out for “just sitting around eating bon-bons”–an expression she herself coined as shorthand for being immersed in one’s own langourous ennui. However, I’d like to take back this expression for those of us who really do like to just sit around eating bon-bons, figuratively and literally.
In the tedium of a power lecture the other day, I found myself surfing the interwebs for new treats, and I found a very promising recipe for a type of bon-bon I had never come across before–a cake truffle, which is a spongy, moist, incredibly rich donut-like treat covered in sweet butterscotch-milk chocolate. I found the recipe for these cake truffles over at [The Crepes of Wrath ](http://thecrepesofwrath.wordpress.com/2008/08/29/peanut-butter-nutella-cake-truffles/)but I’ve tweaked the recipe a bit according to my own tastes.
Nothing could be easier than the directions for these cake truffles, which amount to baking a boxed yellow cake mix, letting it cool, mushing it up and mixing it with two cups creamy peanut butter, rolling the soft dough into sizable balls, and dipping them into a smooth milk chocolate chip and butterscotch chip ganache. It’s really that simple.