I don’t want to write this farewell column because I am in denial that my time at The Badger Herald, and University of Wisconsin, is ending. I’m going to write this because I guess I have to, and when I’m a wet, snotty, crying mess, those who made me do this will be sorry.
I’m going to do my very best to not get too mushy and sappy. But also I have a lot of emotions, so whatever, I don’t care what you think.
Bear with me, everyone.
Flashback a few years, when sophomore-me first joined the Herald as a mere little copy editor — one of the best things to happen to me in my collegiate career, and dare I say (as you groan at the cliché), my life.
Under the guidance and instruction of some badass copy chiefs, I worked my way up to associate copy chief, and then copy chief my senior year. Little by little, I found myself more and more involved with the Herald. There was no turning back — not that I wanted to.
My years in copy at the Herald have taught me a lot. I’ve had AP Style and all its glorious and maddening rules engrained into my brain. More than anything, I’ve developed such a powerful sense of contempt for the Oxford comma that I find myself on the verge of yelling “NO OXFORD COMMAS” even when I come across one while reading for pleasure. So if anything, at least I’m leaving the Herald with that under my belt, right?
But in all seriousness, the Herald has truly taught me a lot. It has taught me the importance of creativity, collaboration and communication — both written and verbal — to put out diverse and polished content week after week.
It has refined and strengthened my editing and writing skills.
It has introduced me to a group of people who are the hardest workers I have ever known, who work day and night to produce important stories, and who inspire me to work just as hard. It never ceases to amaze me what this group can achieve — and has achieved.
That’s what I’ll miss the most about The Badger Herald — all the weird, amazing, hilarious, smart, driven people. Whether it’s freaking out over a new album release (shout out to “Lemonade” and “Views”), sharing endless gifs on Slack or just hanging at the office, it’s always a good time with the BH crew. Even in the most stressful of moments, or the latest of late nights, I wouldn’t have traded this for anything.
So huge shout out to my BH fam, my #squad — you all make me so happy and I am so lucky to have worked with each and every one of you. Thank for making my time at UW so memorable. Working for The Badger Herald has been the most rewarding experience and it’s because of YOU PEOPLE!
I love you and fuck, I’ll miss you.
*tears fall onto laptop keyboard*