Our decision to print today's column about Virginia Tech without providing an author violates The Badger Herald's policy against printing anonymous content. There is a difference, however, in that the author has expressed a point of view that most who share such feelings would not be quick to publicize, and for that very reason I find it particularly valuable in the grand marketplace of ideas. It is also important to note that the author is a University of Wisconsin student and a trusted employee of The Badger Herald.
The ability to identify with some of the horror manifested last Monday morning in Blacksburg seems more than foreign at first; most students at UW couldn't begin to imagine how someone could do such a thing. It's important to realize, however, that that feeling is not foreign to everyone. What's more, the violent, counter-societal sentiment can be amplified by our reluctance to identify Mr. Seung-Hui as a human being who grew up alongside us, further ostracizing the people very most at risk.
It's also important to realize that, as a university community, we have the opportunity — and, in fact, the obligation — to help those in need. We're all Badgers, after all, and after the events of last week, every college student nationwide is a Hokie at heart.
For those who may share some of the emotion expressed by our columnist, but not quite know what to do, you should first know you're not alone. Additionally, the university has an elaborate support network if you're looking to reach out.
University Health Services offers counseling services by appointment at 265-5600, and the Student Advocacy & Judicial Affairs unit of the Offices of the Dean of Students offers support for those who need it at 263-5700 during normal business hours.
Please direct any feedback on the column to [email protected].