For much of the general population, the greatest insight into the existence and operations of prominent universities is gleaned through athletics, specifically football. So for the University of Wisconsin, it was highly embarrassing when fans of visiting teams complained about grossly inappropriate behavior among Badger fans at Camp Randall throughout the last few years — such as throwing objects and other alcohol-fueled antics.
Responding to the criticisms, UW introduced its "Roll Out the Red Carpet" initiative in 2004 to create a more welcoming game-day atmosphere. As part of the plan, UW announced this spring that it would revoke the season tickets of any fan caught engaging in illegal or sufficiently unruly behavior at sporting events. The policy — which applies to all fans, student or otherwise — specifically defines excessive drunkenness, throwing hard objects, public urination and resisting arrest, among other acts of misconduct, as warranting ticket revocation.
Given the past indiscretions of Badger fans that have reflected poorly on UW's image, we find the new policy to be wholly justifiable. There is no excuse for some of the obnoxious behavior exhibited by Badger fans, and revoking their season tickets would seem to be an effective way of preventing it in the future.
Of course, it is important for UW not to go too far with the policy and punish fans who merely had a beer or two. Early indications — three fans lost their tickets after being taken to detox — suggest over-enforcement will not be a problem.
Perhaps the most controversial part of the policy is the fact that it applies to a season ticket holder even if he sold his ticket to somebody else. In other words, a season ticket holder is responsible for the behavior of whoever uses his ticket.
While such a stipulation may seem unfair, it is needed to maintain accountability for season ticket holders. It encourages ticket owners to seek buyers whom they can trust to maintain good behavior at the game. If a ticket holder cannot find a trustworthy buyer, she should reconsider why she is purchasing season tickets in the first place.
A raucous game-day atmosphere still needs to show respect to visiting fans. Remember, everybody is watching, and poor behavior only serves to sully UW's reputation in the eyes of those who may not know the school for little else.