Welcome to the pages of The Badger Herald. A new school year has brought a fresh, new staff to 326 W. Gorham St., and, as always, those of us at the University of Wisconsin's finest student newspaper will strive to bring you the best student-focused content possible.
Here at UW, students have the unique choice of reading two daily newspapers and even more weekly and biweekly publications, an opportunity no other Big Ten campus offers. The competitive atmosphere keeps us on our toes, and we appreciate you choosing The Badger Herald — whether or not Shout-Outs had anything to do with it.
Things might look a little bit different this year to seasoned Herald readers. This summer we spent long hours tweaking and unifying our design to better frame special content and provide more visual appeal for the stories that matter most. We hope you like it.
Our staff box has also changed; we've added some positions and changed a few others in an effort to better serve the interests of our readership.
In News, we've added two features editors to keep an eye on the more interesting and appealing aspects of campus life. They'll be churning out in-depth coverage of particularly newsworthy happenings and adding a bit of flair to our everyday coverage.
We've also changed our ombudsman's title to public editor, as we want to stress his primary role: he's your editor, not ours. The rogue editor in question, Matt Dolbey, is a former news editor who has an eye for Wisconsin politics. Should our coverage of any issue lean or be unfair, he'll be sure to investigate and institute a remedy — he's in a position to make sure our coverage is well balanced and to listen to what readers have to say about it.
In fact, if you have any concerns with what the Herald has done in News or any other section, contact him; his position depends on reader feedback. All letters to the editor are copied to him, and mail sent to public@badgerherald.com should land squarely in his mailbox. Read his column on page 4D for more information about what he has planned for the semester.
Additionally, your comments are welcome online as always, and we're chomping at the bit for more letters to the editor at oped@badgerherald.com — we want to print your thoughts on the issues that matter to the UW campus. Keep an eye out for the new Opinion weblog, as well, which is sure to debut any day now.
Keep reading; I hope we can make this semester the best yet.