We really appreciate our crowd. And nobody appreciates it
more than me, and the louder the better. I wear headsets and my
headsets really cut out a lot of that so a lot of things that go on
in the stands I’m really not aware of. I’m kind of distracted from
that but I have heard rumblings [about the song not being played].
We want our fans, and in particular our students, into the game. I
will tell you that, because we appreciate them. — Barry
While certainly a politically correct response, it seems as
though Barry is on our side with this one. “The Don” himself has
publicly acknowledged what all football regulars know: the team
needs its fans, and the fans need to be pumped up to do their
Athletic officials did not appropriately gauge student (as well
as alumni) passions on this issue, as the bevy of letters we have
received shows. Tradition is the reason we are one of the nation’s
most noted college football venue and most imposing stadium for
visiting teams. And, as athletic department officials should be
most keenly aware, tradition is what keeps alumni dollars flowing
into the coffers.
But perhaps more importantly, athletic-department officials
should take what is printed below as serious evidence of student
sentiment on the matter: massive tuition hikes and class cuts could
not fire them up quite like this.
As an aside, we’re glad at least one ASM student council member
was courageous enough to stand up for student interests–a rare
occasion indeed. Rep. Charlie Sieb is set to offer a resolution
condemning the termination of the song, but more action is
certainly required.
We strongly urge all students to attend the athletic
department’s weekly game-management meeting, scheduled for 10:30
a.m. this Wednesday in the Mendota Gridiron Room of Camp Randall
Stadium (enter through gate 15). This is where the decision was
initially made, and this is where, we hope, it will be reversed.
Show up en masse and voice your disapproval.
And this weekend, jump. Jump a lot. Jump after every third
down. Scream, yell and act, well, childish until we get our
Oh, and by the way, don’t think we didn’t notice the section
race did not occur. Was that “dangerous,” or did the press box find
that annoying too?
Upset about this decision? Can’t go to the meeting Wednesday?
Contact Chancellor John Wiley
([email protected]), Athletic Director Pat
Richter ([email protected]) and Associate Athletic
Director Steve Malchow ([email protected]) and let them
know what you think.