The Student Services Finance Committee heard budget proposals from Badger Catholic, tabled a vote on DREAMers and approved the budgets for Student Veterans of America and Sex Out Loud on Thursday night.
Badger Catholic President Mark Vandenberg presented Badger Catholic’s budget.
“The purpose of our budget is to excel in fulfilling our mission and be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us,” Vandenberg said.
Budget proposals are closer to the group’s realistic needs because justification is required in order to request money within the budget, Vandenberg said.
SSFC approves Black Voice student budget, hears presentations from Student Veterans and Sex Out Loud
Badger Catholic Vice President George Carlo Clark introduced Badger Catholic programming which included their Ignite large group event, peer mentoring and other programming events.
Clark said in order to provide opportunities for students to serve the local community, the organization is increasing their local service portion of their requested budget to $900.
Badger Catholic requested an increased budget for their general speaker series, as there has been an increased demand from students for national speakers, Clark said.
“General Speaker Series is our largest program in terms of both attendance and also outreach and outreach opportunities,” Clark said.
Badger Catholic Treasurer Becca Meltz said the salaries of the president, vice president and treasurer were on pace to meet the budget amounts in the spring and summer. But COVID-19, disrupted their job duties in the spring and summer, Meltz said.
Meltz said they had to cut multiple positions due to changing events and needs — however, they also plan to add new positions.
SSFC also discussed the eligibility of DREAMers. Multiple representatives were confused about specifics within the budget DREAMers proposed, and one representative introduced a motion to table the eligibility vote on DREAMers.
The committee will reintroduce the DREAMers eligibility vote the week of Nov. 23, based on a vote of 10-1-2. Nov. 19, DREAMers will present their amended budget to the committee.
SSFC approved Student Veterans of America’s budget at $11,712.50 with a vote of 11-0-2.
The committee amended Sex Out Loud’s budget by reducing their supply budget by $5,000. The amendment passed with a 11-0-2 vote. The committee then approved the overall budget at $82,079.50 with a vote of 11-0-2.