Members of a student government finance committee proposed their budget to no definitive action during a meeting Monday evening.
Student Services Finance Committee Chair Sarah Neibart presented the budget for the committee, which totaled $181,786.52. Last year, the committee’s approved budget passed at $177,247.83.
Neibart also spoke about the Segregated University Fee Allocation Committee Summit, which she and other committee members attended at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh over the weekend.
SUFAC Summit is a gathering where members of fund-allocating bodies from UW System schools meet annually to discussF50,the policy defining the legal aspects of administering segregated university fees.
“It was interesting meeting people from otherSUFACs and hearing how they go about their business because for some it is vastly different from how we do,” Neibart said.
According to Rep. Laura Checovich, the group learned at the summit that bus use is not listed as allocable or non-allocable underF50.
At the nextSSFCmeeting this Thursday, Neibart said the committee will reach a decision on the proposedSSFCbudget and address a wage violation reportedly made by the Multicultural Student Coalition.