Student Travel had various problems meeting Student Services Financial Committee eligibility requirements after applying for the first time last Monday.
The group was denied their request 0-7-0 for not adequately meeting the SSFC criteria.
“I don’t think it was unfair; I think there was just confusion since there was such a high overturn of members this year,” Beth Kovars, vice president of Badger Student Travel, said.
Badger Catholic, on the other hand, received eligibility for funding with a vote of 6-0-1.
Condom Crawls, Kids Night Out and Pow Wow Drumming were other topics covered at the SSFC meeting as the Campus Women’s Center and Wunk Sheek presented their cases for funding eligibility.
The Campus Women’s Center, which deals with a variety of issues women face from sexual abuse to self-image, is currently being funded $100,582 from the General Student Services Fund. They provide numerous women-centered services to the student population such as condom crawls, according to Assata Kokayi, family resources coordinator for the Campus Women’s Center.
Wunk Sheek, another group returning for eligibility, offers academic, cultural and support services on campus regarding American Indians. They have many events that occur throughout the year, including drum and singing practices and storytelling in their native language. The group is currently funded with $109,480.
“It is the perfect event when it comes to understanding American people today and working towards breaking down the misconceptions that exist about our history,” said RaeAnne Funmaker, a co-chair of the organization.
Funmaker said they are the only group on campus with such qualities.
The group received much criticism from Rep. Carl Fergus, who said funds from the previous year had been used to pay off outstanding bills from a prior year without permission.
Fergus said it is against policy for funds to be used across different years and the group violated SSFC regulations.
The group did admit it used last year’s money to pay off an outstanding bill to the Kohl Center, but said they had submitted the necessary paperwork.
“No such paperwork came in front of me, and staff has been confused with where these bills stand,” Fergus said.
Timothy Smith said the officers of the group are all new this year.
“We know it’s a past issue, and we understand the mismanagement and lack of follow through that has happened in past years. We don’t want any of these past behaviors to affect officers this year,” Smith said.
Decisions of eligibility for the Campus Women’s Center and Wunk Sheek will be presented at the next SSFC meeting on Monday.