A laptop and other belongings were stolen from a Tripp Residence Hall room in the Lakeshore area early Saturday morning.
According to a University of Wisconsin Police Department release, a student’s room was burglarized after a suspect cut a screen and entered through a window shortly after 3 a.m. on the first floor of the building located at
After the suspect took a laptop and other valuables, the residents woke up and the suspect left the building.
According to the release, the suspect was described as a black male in his 20s who was wearing a dark coat, jeans and black shoes. He was described as having short hair and being about 5 feet 8 inches tall and 160 pounds.
While rooms are not monitored, security cameras are installed in other areas of Tripp Hall. According to University Housing Director Paul Evans, police have obtained all footage that might aid in the investigation of the burglary.
Evans is unsure if the footage led to any leads.
UWPD officials are urging residents to keep doors and windows locked and to be wary of strangers in their buildings. Students are advised not to open doors for people without proper identification.
UWPD is also advising people to report crime or suspicious activity to the police at once.
“Be careful about leaving windows wide open,” Evans said. “If there’s somebody in the building that doesn’t look like they should be around, make sure you call police right away.”
Evans said an e-mail detailing the incident was dispatched Saturday to residents in buildings that have first floor living spaces, along with members of the
While Tripp Hall was constructed in the 1920s, Evans said the building has the same modern security features as any other residence hall on campus.
Evans went on to say the university has not had any other reports of a burglar entering a student room this year, and the use of a cut screen to gain entry is very rare on campus.
Anyone with information is invited to call Crime Stoppers at (608) 266-6014