Chuck Todd, MSNBC’s political analyst [released a state by state analysis of the election](, including the presidential race as well as what should be very exciting senate and house contests all over the country. Here was his conclusion on Wisconsin: > Wisconsin: Remember when Wisconsin was a battleground state? Wow, have things changed in this state in just four years. Republicans ought to focus on rebuilding the Wisconsin state party before many other states because once they crack the Wisconsin code, they’ll be able to succeed in other states. This coincided with Todd’s ongoing thesis that the GOP is gearing up to be a minority party in the forseeable future, losing its support from “secular conservatives” in the West as well as working class moderates in the Midwest. While I think McCain has a fighting chance of winning Ohio, Indiana and Nevada, it’s not hard to imagine a scenario in which McCain wins nothing beside the Bible Belt, the Great Plains and a few very conservative Mountain states (Utah, Wyoming, Idaho). I can’t see how a Republican can be a viable candidate and be running neck and neck in Montana.
State by state rundown
by Jack Craver
November 1, 2008