Wow, November is nearly over already! But you know what that means … World AIDS Day is upon us! Dec. 1 is commemorated as a world-wide day of recognition, awareness and unity for those affected by the human immunodeficiency virus.
The easiest way to join the effort in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS is to get tested. Around one-fourth of people who are HIV positive do not even know that they are. In fact, about half of all new HIV cases are thought to be transmitted through contact with people who don’t know they are positive.
Getting tested for HIV on campus is fast, easy and doesn’t cost you anything extra. University Health Services offers confidential HIV testing and can even send you your results via the online MyUHS portal instead of waiting around for them. UHS will have free, walk-in HIV testing this Friday, Nov. 30 from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. So do it!
Now on to your questions for this week.
You know that smell after sex that infiltrates the room? What the hell is that? Is there any way to avoid it or get rid of it quickly?
Ahh yes, the classic case of post-coitus stanky funk. Yes, I am quite familiar. That scent, my friend, is the lovely concoction of sweat, hormones and sexy juices like semen or vaginal fluids. Yummy. And pungent! A total turn on for some – you get to bask in the after affects of your love making – and a not so welcome reminder of the naughty things that just went down for others.
How to avoid it? Well, you could try not being very active or strenuous with your thrusts and humping and rolling around, and be very careful about containing any and all bodily fluids. But that sounds kind of methodical and clinical to me. So crack open a window, light a candle, make sure not to fuck five minutes before house guests arrive or learn to love it!
Recently, my guy told me that he would really appreciate more eye contact while I’m giving him head. I want to give him what he wants and the idea of it is hot, but I can’t bring myself to do it and I am kind of embarrassed. Do most people make eye contact when they give head? Any suggestions for making it less awkward?
Props to him for being direct with what turns him on! But I definitely empathize with your hesitation. Making eye contact while sucking a dick involves acknowledging, “Whoah, your pee hole is totally all up in my grill right now.” It is very intimate.
I don’t have any statistics about blow job stare downs at my disposal, but I do know there are fans in both camps. But I do have a few tips if it is something that you would like to try.
One, practice making more eye contact outside of cock sucking in every day conversation. This can just help with getting more comfortable meeting gazes in general, something we do less and less of nowadays. Two, remember that this need not be a staring contest. Periodic glances up and smiles should do the trick and can actually make you feel more present with the job at hand. Lastly, take a tip from Tyra – smize! A.k.a. smile with your eyes. Empty, corpse-like stares with dead or no emotion isn’t sexy at all; have intention with the stare and use it as a window of expression for what you’re thinking, which is hopefully, “Oh yeah, I love sucking down that big, hard, throbbing cock of yours!”
I have been dating someone new for about two months now. We aren’t officially boyfriend and girlfriend, but everyone pretty much knows that we’re exclusive and probably going to be ‘a couple’ within a matter of time. But we’re in a weird relationship zone with the holidays coming up. Should I get them a gift or would that be implying too much?
Implying what, that you care about this person at least an ounce more than a random stranger walking in the street and that their existence crosses your mind every so often? I may not be as current on relationship rules and the dating game as I think I am, but I’m pretty sure that it is completely socially acceptable to give your friends gifts during the holiday season. And who is the person you’re dating if not an extra special friend that you enjoy or at least fantasize about rubbing genitals with?
There’s no need to make it overly complicated! Do you get your roommates gifts? Your co-workers? Your close friends? Then why not the person you have established that you enjoy seeing regularly? It doesn’t have to be jewelry or anything that screams, “I WILL LOVE YOU ‘TIL THE DAY I DIE.” Just pick out something you have heard them say they need or want, like cozy slippers or a new iPhone case or their favorite snack, something simple to say, “Hey, I kind of like you and pay attention when you talk!”
That’s all for this week. ‘Til next time, stay sexy and safe.
Sam is a senior at UW who hopes to see you at World AIDS Day events on campus this week and next! E-mail her and the other lovely ladies of Hump Day at