Sam here, refreshed and full of knowledge from a week in Minneapolis for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention Conference. Some cool, random facts for you all: There is a new strain of drug-resistant gonorrhea on the loose and around one-fifth of young women who are treated for chlamydia will become reinfected within one year. Also, experts estimate that STI clinics miss most chlamydia and gonorrhea cases by neglecting to swab the throat and anus.
Now on to your sex questions from the last week.
The head of my boyfriend’s penis is not that sensitive. Instead he prefers attention to be paid towards the base of the shaft. How normal/common is this?
I will admit, this question has got me boggled, because this is not very common. This is really two questions in one – why is the glans (penis head) not so sensitive and why would there be extra nerves at the base? Although I don’t know why it would happen, his nerves just could be wired differently. For example, some dudes love having their nipples sucked on, some hate it and some don’t care either way.
If this doesn’t affect his ability to give or receive pleasure, I’d say it’s no biggie. But if it bothers him or he suspects some kind of nerve damage, a visit to the urologist could be a good idea.
Lastly, as always, communication is key. You two seem to have a good thing going, but would it be possible to ask him some more clarifying questions? Is this just his polite way of asking you to grab a hunk of cock from the base and squeeze or go down deeper? Does he find stimulation on the head irritating or truly just kind of blah? Is there another way he would prefer the glans to be sucked, stroked, or otherwise loved? Do report back if you find out!
What is the nutritional value of jizz?
Why, are you on a diet? Just kidding. Semen has very little nutritional value. One teaspoon has about five calories in it, and most penises ejaculate just around one teaspoon at a time. Less than 5 percent of what is in the stuff is sperm, the rest is a mix of sugar, water, vitamin C, citric acid, enzymes, protein, amino acids and zinc. Now, despite as healthy all that sounds, please do not start using cum guzzling as a dietary supplement. The amount of vitamins is insufficient and there are only about 150mg of protein per splooge. An egg has six grams.
Can you get HIV through oral sex?
Technically, yes. But this is more of a “theoretical risk.” The CDC has very few documented cases of HIV transmission via oral sex and the fourth International Oral AIDS Conference estimated the risk to be .04 percent per oral sex act. The risk increases when the HIV-positive person is within the first six weeks of infection, when there are cuts, scrapes or gum irritation on the inside of the mouth and when there is a penis involved.
Can I get an STI from someone who is a virgin?
Yes. Ever heard of a cold sore? Plenty of people have them, and they are not always transmitted via sexual contact. A cold sore is usually herpes simplex virus type one, and it is transferable to the genitals. Which means that someone who has a cold sore (or even someone who is prone to cold sores but not currently presenting with one, though this is much less likely) can transfer the virus to genitals during oral.
What is the difference between and STD and STI?
One stands for sexually transmitted disease and one stands for sexually transmitted infection. Both refer to the same things, but “STI” is the newer, improved and more inclusive term. “Disease” seems to imply a chronic condition, but in actuality most STIs are curable, if not treatable. So “STI” is actually a more clinically accurate term. “Infection” is also intended to reflect the commonality of the issue – 19 million new STIs in the U.S., people! Plus, “disease” just sort of sounds intimidating and stigmatizing.
I’ve heard that one should not neglect the balls. But I’m not really sure what to do or where to start.
Never fear! Many people with balls prefer light touches with the finger pads or soft (!) grazing with the fingernails. Easy, right? You can also try simply holding or cupping the sack, because those little guys really just want to be snuggled and loved! When you are ready for more, see if your partner enjoys gently squeezing or tugging of the testicles. The next step would be a good tongue lapping – this can feel especially good in conjunction with a lubey hand job. A hint though – this all becomes easier during a state of arousal when the balls have that nice “tight” look.
Send Sam & Amie your insatiable inquiries at