Hey hot stuffs.
I’m determined to learn how to deep throat. Help!
It’s all about angles. Throats curve down, so whatever you’re going to be shoving down there also has to curve down. Ergo, if you’re handling an upwardly curved penis, you’ll have to get creative.
Sixty-nining (deep-throater on top) helps, as well as lying down on a couch or bed with your head hanging off of the edge. Breathe through your nose, don’t hold your breath! Start slow. Practice by inserting the dick/finger/toy/whatever to the back of your throat and just holding it there for a few moments. Swirl your tongue around to keep the stimulation going. Once you’ve tried this a few times and feel like you can take more in, make swallowing motions to coax it down.
My boyfriend wants to have a threesome, but I’m very reluctant. He reassures me that it’ll only be for the experience and won’t let it ruin our relationship. I want to make him happy, but I can’t help but feel insecure and suspicious. What should I do?
You shouldn’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, plain and simple. And if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, that might be coercion.
There’s no way to predict how you or your partner will feel after letting someone else into the sack with you. Explain your perspective clearly, using “I” statements and validating his desires. Can you try something else to pique his interest? Some role playing or wrist tying?
Does anal sex hurt?
It shouldn’t if you’re doing it right. Pain is your body’s way of letting you know something is wrong. You can expect a bit of discomfort the first couple of times, but not pain necessarily.
Want to make it more comfortable? Lube it up. For anal, you’re going to need lube, lube, lube and more lube. And if you think you’ve got enough lube on that thang, add a couple more squirts. The ass is not self-lubricating like the vagina or mouth, so it’s going to need some help.
Silicone-based lubes are great for anal because they last longer than water-based ones. But remember not to use silicone lubes with silicone toys – it’ll melt the toy! Numbing lubes are a no-no, ’cause we need to know if something feels wrong.
How many people have anal sex?
I know, right? Lately, it’s been hard to find a porno clip that doesn’t involve heterosexual anal scenes, which makes it seem like every straight couple is doing it. So let’s be clear: Not even all gay male couples have anal sex. In fact, according to “The Joy of Gay Sex” by Charles Silverstein, only about a third do it regularly. About the same amount of hetero couples have tried it and 10-15 percent like it enough to include it in their regular sex sessions.
IUDs sound awesome, but expensive. Exactly how much moolah are we talkin’?
IUD stands for intrauterine device, which is a birth control method. Usually anywhere from $500 to $1000, and free at UHS if you have the Student Health Insurance Plan. And – get this – they’re over 99 percent effective!
It’s a lot of money up front, but it’s actually the most cost-effective form of birth control because it lasts up to 12 years, depending on the type you get! Some insurance companies cover it, and in Wisconsin you can apply for a Family Planning Waiver to get the cost reduced or eliminated.
I’ve heard I can skip my period if I’m on the pill. Is that true? How do I do it?
If you’re taking a monophasic birth control pill (one that has a consistent hormone level each week), you can skip the seven placebo pills (aka the sugar pills) at the end of the pack and go right on to the next set of pills. It’s not dangerous and can be great if you know you’re going to get laid but also know Aunt Flo will be in town, or if you’re looking to save some money on tampons that month. That’s how brands like Seasonique work.
Do I need to use a condom during the placebo week of my pill pack?
To prevent pregnancy? No.
As long as you’ve taken it consistently all month long, you’re good to go. The protective mechanism of the birth control pill is preventing ovulation (popping out a mature egg from the ovary), which has already been prevented by the time you get to the sugar pills. No ovulation equals no egg, no egg means nothing for the sperm to fertilize.
So fuck away! Just remember that the pill doesn’t protect against STIs.
Do people really use condoms for oral sex?
Yes. Wanna know why? Chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, syphilis, HPV and hepatitis can all be transmitted through oral sex. In fact, the American Society of Clinical Oncology is now saying that oral sex is responsible for more cases of throat cancer in men than smoking is.
Fortunately, there are such things as flavored condoms, flavored lube (to be used with a barrier method) and flavored sex dams (latex sheets meant for oral contact). So use them! According to a 2006 assessment done by the American College Health Association and UHS, only two in every 100 Badgers do.
Bye for now – stay sexy and safe!
Sam is a junior working at Sex Out Loud & PAVE. E-mail her your sex comments, questions and column ideas at humpday@badgerherald.com