On the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th president of the United States, hundreds exercised their first-amendment right all the way to the Capitol.
Students and community members gathered at Library Mall where speakers rallied the crowd before the demonstration.

Instead of the typical State Street route, the demonstration started down East Campus Mall.

While most students were just getting out of class, the crowd picked up momentum, which required police assistance to cross University Avenue and traverse down W. Johnson Street.

Students watched from balconies of high-rise apartments to get a better look.
“Get out of your dorms and into the streets,” some protesters shouted.

Protesters filed onto State Street curb-to-curb, preventing city buses from proceeding on their scheduled route.

The demonstration reached its final destination at the doorstep of the Capitol.

Speakers rallied for unity throughout the next four years of Trump’s first term.