- Friends of UW-Madison Libraries Book Sale: A great chance to get books at amazing prices, this book sale takes place Wednesday, Oct. 20 to Sat, Oct. 23 at Memorial Library, 4 p.m. There is a $5 entry fee Oct. 20, other days entrance is free. Oct. 23 will feature a special sale where books are five dollars a bag (bring your own bag). For more info, visit here.
- Politics at Home — Textiles as American History: This exhibit, featuring textiles used at home from 18th-21st century, shows how politics influences home life and how textiles were used to signify political messages and beliefs. This exhibit opens Wednesday, Oct. 20 at Nancy Nicholas Hall, Ruth Davis Design Gallery. This exhibit is FREE. For more info, visit here.
- LatinX Dance Night with Madison Rueda: Learn various LatinX dance styles from countries like Cuba and the Dominican Republic with Madison Rueda. Prepare to get active and wear comfortable shoes Thursday, Oct. 21 at Union South, 6:30 p.m. This event is FREE. For more information, visit here.
- Hubert Lenoir with Jenny123: Lenoir combines elements of psychedelic rock with chanson in their music. Originally from Quebec, their album, “Darlene”, has received critical acclaim from both Canadian and American media. They will be performing Thursday, Oct. 21 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at Memorial Union, Der Rathskeller. This event is FREE.