- NEAT: The Renaissance Theaterworks presents NEAT, by Charlayne Woodward, on demand from March 12- Apr 11. NEAT is a coming-of-age story based on Woodard’s experiences and Aunt Beneatha, called Neat. Tickets for students are $10. For more information and tickets, visit here: https://www.r-t-w.com/shows/neat/#tickets
- Bach Around the Clock: To celebrate the birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach (March 21), this year’s virtual Bach Around the Clock Event is a 10 day festival with performances and talks from a variety of local musicians. The festival is from March 17- 26 and the event is FREE, although donations are accepted. For more information, visit here: https://bachclock.com/concert-schedule
- The Metamorphosis of Birds: The Metamorphosis of Birds is a Portuguese autobiography/drama centering around the relationship of Catarina and her father after the death of their mothers. Presented by the Wisconsin Union Directorate Film Committee, the screening takes place from March 20-21, and is FREE. For more information and to register, visit here: https://union.wisc.edu/events-and-activities/event-calendar/event/the-metamorphosis-of-birds-2020-online-screening/
- Johannes Wallmann Quintet: Johannes Wallmann is a pianist and composer as well as the director of Jazz Studies at the University of Wisconsin. He is joined by Russ Johnson on trumpet, Tony Barba on tenor sax, Peter Dominguez on bass and Jon Deitemyer on drums. They will be performing on March 21, at 12 p.m. Individual performances are $15 per student. For more information and to register, visit here: https://union.wisc.edu/events-and-activities/event-calendar/event/johannes-wallmann-quintet-2/
- Music From Copland House: Music from Copland House is the resident ensemble of Aaron Copland’s National Historic Landmark Home in New York, New York. They will present a 45 minute program, along with a conversation and Q&A session with the musicians. The event is on March 22, at 12 p.m. (1 p.m. EST). For more information and to sign up, visit here: https://gc-cuny.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_da1A12m8TpiQrhu1iOv3hg
Madtown Crier 3.18: Events for the week
Happy late St. Patty’s day! Here are some events for the weekend
by Rachael Lee
March 18, 2021