- Greg Zelek: Madison Symphony Orchestra organist Greg Zelek presents an all-French program. Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m. Register here: https://madisonsymphony.org/concerts-events/overture-concert-organ-performances/
- Black Gold: A Discussion of the Coffee Industry: An interactive panel discussion about the documentary “Black Gold” and the Ethiopian Coffee Trade. Oct. 13, 7 p.m. For more information: https://union.wisc.edu/events-and-activities/event-calendar/event/black-gold-a-discussion-of-the-coffee-industry/ or a link to the documentary “Black Gold” for University of Wisconsin students: https://wisc.kanopy.com/video/black-gold-0
- Milwaukee Film Festival: The Milwaukee Film Festival is going virtual this year, featuring 197 films. Oct. 15 to 29. Tickets for individual films available Oct. 15 at 4 p.m. and are $5 per film for Milwaukee film members and $8 for nonmembers. More information about the films here: https://shop.mkefilm.org/websales/pages/list.aspx?epguid=d7832cf2-b36b-4bb7-93a7-c0ea85d18657&
- PhotoMidwest Festival: Photographs selected for the 11th Biennial PhotoMidwest Exhibit will be posted on PhotoMidwest’s website and social media. Juror Peter Turnley will do a gallery walk and talk on Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. Watch the live webcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA7sl149Rrc&feature=youtu.be
- Traditional Uses for Native Plants: Is Increased Health Growing All Around You? An online lecture by Jane Hawley Stevens about the various uses of plants in Wisconsin. Oct. 19 at 12 p.m. Sign up here: https://zendesk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RkzXfoDySxqGVA9MgsNDNA
Madtown Crier 10.13: Some events to check out this week
We’ve got some great picks for you this week, be sure to check some out
by Rachael Lee
October 13, 2020