- Peter Mulvey with SistaStrings: 20th anniversary tour at the Bur Oak. Sept. 10, 7-10 p.m., more info available: https://theburoakmadison.com/shows-1/peter-mulvey
- Second Language Acquisition and Language Institute Lecture: Undoing White Supremacy in Language Disciplines: An online talk discussing the colonial aspects and white supremacy in the field of linguistics. Sept. 11, 3-4 p.m., sign up here: https://sla.wisc.edu/mary-bucholtz/
- Madison World Music Festival: Virtual event feature workshops and a variety of international music styles. Sept. 11-12, sign up here: https://union.wisc.edu/visit/wisconsin-union-theater/seasonevents/madison-world-music-festival/
- Virtual Trivia Night with the Wisconsin Veterans Museum: The museum hosts a virtual trivia night for the public. Sept 15. 7 p.m., sign up here: https://wisvetsmuseum.com/wisvetsevent/trivia-night-3/
- INTERSECTIONS: Indigenous Textiles of the Americas: “Indigenous scholars Kendra Greendeer (Ho-Chunk) and Dakota Mace (Diné) co-curate an exhibition exploring material interrelationships among cultures with long histories of exchange throughout the Americas.” Now available online, more info available: https://sohe.wisc.edu/events/intersections-indigenous-textiles-of-the-americas/
Madtown Crier 9.8: Top five list of this week’s events
If you are looking for something to do around town, check out these events
by Rachael Lee
September 8, 2020