Many states are extending their stay at home orders for a month, and airlines are canceling all domestic flights. A quarantine we thought would last two weeks will now be more than a month, and there are only so many Netflix shows we can binge.
I want to give you guys a little hope in these troubling times, so let’s talk about the future. That’s right, a time without the outbreak. It’s a time that deserves fun and movement. And what better way to move than through travel?
With that in mind, here are a few facts about traveling after quarantine.
DO NOT travel until the stay at home orders are complete. Daydreaming about trips is normal, but traveling doesn’t only put you at risk for illness. When you leave your home, you can potentially catch the virus and carry it to others, including your friends and family.
That’s why it’s important to wait until all states and places are in the clear before you even considering travel plans. Plus, anywhere you go right now, little to nothing is open.
Wait until commerce opens back up, and if you time it right, businesses may offer deals to increase service. You’re also helping them get back on your feet, so overall, don’t shy away from tourism!
Flying will be tricky for the next few months. Major airlines are canceling international and domestic flights, and government officials are debating a collective mandate. This means, even after quarantine, flying may be an issue for a bit of time.
If you’re thinking of going outside the country, check with airlines. Monitor different airline’s webpages and do your research. Because while they recover from the coronavirus, tickets will be cheap.
Just make sure if you’re going international, you can get there and get back safe and healthy.
Road trips maybe your best option. If you have a car, drive to your destination. If you don’t, Zipcar has been a great option for those in college or on a budget. This decreases your chances of getting yourself or others sick because it does not subject you to communal transportation.
Uber and other services are still available, but be careful. Most companies are still operational and warn their drivers to be wary of the outbreak. So just like them, try to be careful if you decide to use their services.
Overall, don’t discount travel — businesses are counting on you. The coronavirus has put a lot of stores and companies in jeopardy, and they’re counting on customers to get them out of holes. This is why tourism, if done safely, is important for a lot of businesses to get back on their feet.
Though flattening the curve is key to beating the outbreak, supporting businesses nationwide will ensure overall wellbeing.