May 12 was a joyous day: The return of the Memorial Union Terrace.
University of Wisconsin seniors lined up to claim their spot on the new and improved Terrace, which many had thought would not be completed in time for graduation weekend.

Wisconsin Union Director Mark Guthier said even with all of the construction in progress, he was hopeful parts of the Terrace would be open in time for graduation.
“We had a goal of opening the Terrace this summer, but always hoped to open more of the Terrace for graduation weekend,” Guthier said. “We are grateful to the people who have made this special weekend possible.”

Seniors were all smiles as they carried their chairs onto the brand new Terrace, with some triumphantly hoisting them above their heads.

The Terrace quickly filled with eager seniors ready for a taste of Madison’s favorite summer spot before they embark on their new journeys.

The UW Marching Band played during the event, performing fan favorites, inspiring the excited crowd to sing along. The band ended with an enthusiastic rendition of “Varsity.” Fans were sad to see the band pack up, with many shouting, “Don’t go!”

The smell of freshly grilled brats filled the air, and beer was flowing. Sizable stacks of pitchers grew on the tables.

Parts of the Terrace will remain open until midnight May 15 so construction crews can put on the finishing touches for its official opening May 20. Get out there while you can!