As the end of the year approaches, the time comes to think about our favorite video games of the last 12 months. While there was a large selection of games to choose from this year, only five could make the cut, and even then, a favorite wasn’t clear. But after of intense deliberation, these are our video columnist’s top five video games of 2014.
* games without a platform designated were released on XBO, 360, PS4, PS3 and PC
Honorable Mentions: “Alien: Isolation;” “The Banner Saga” (PS4, iOS, PC, Mac, Linux); “Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker” (Wii U); “Dark Souls II” (PS3, 360, PC); “Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze” (Wii U); “Mario Kart 8” (Wii U); “Super Smash Bros. for 3DS” (3DS); “Wolfenstein: The New Order.”
5. “Far Cry 4”
“Far Cry 3” was one of my favorite games of 2012, and “Far Cry 4” is basically just more “Far Cry 3” with even more stuff thrown on top. The game still revolves around climbing towers, hunting animals and conquering bases — all three of which (with the exception of hunting, in a few cases) are fun and entertaining to accomplish. Changes you may find in the new iteration are earlier access to the wing-suit that was criminally underutilized in the previous entry, the ability to ride on elephants that are apparently explosive-resistant, and also eagles, which you will hate without a doubt.
4. “Bayonetta 2” (Wii U)
What you think of “Bayonetta 2” may be based entirely on what you thought of the original “Bayonetta,” or maybe it doesn’t and even though you got tired with the original (like me), you find the sequel very enjoyable. “Bayonetta 2’s” action is tight, eye-catching and easy to get into, plus it really gives you a sense of power at your fingertips (if that’s what you like going for in games). The story in the game doesn’t make a god damn bit of sense, but when you’re tearing the face off a giant angel dragon while your own pet giant demon dragon summoned by your hair-portal goes to town on his friend, you’re not really going to care.
3. “Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor”
“Shadow of Mordor” is the second pleasant surprise on this list. I did not think twice about passing on a purchase of the game prior to its release. It was another “Lord of the Rings” game after all, right? I was mistaken in that assumption. “Shadow of Mordor” is essentially what happens when you take “Assassin’s Creed’s” parkour mechanics, fix them, and throw in the “Batman: Arkham” games’ fighting mechanics with a few twists to make it its own. Oh, and then add in the most revolutionary mechanic in years in the ‘Nemesis System’ that makes a hierarchy of the orc army and creates hundreds of unique enemies with their own strength and weaknesses, and who will remember you from previous meetings. How you manipulate this power structure greatly affects how the game is played, giving “Shadow of Mordor” something unique that stands out from other games this year.
2. “Shovel Knight” (Wii U, 3DS, PC, Linux)
It seems every indie game that comes out bathes itself in retro-pixel graphics — or at least that’s what Internet commentators would lead you to believe. Yet, even if that were the case, “Shovel Knight” would stand out. Everything about the game feels like it was pulled straight out of an NES cartridge, from the design, to the overworld, to the platforming, to the giant apple-fish that performs an unskippable dance number. Well the last one may just be good old-fashioned fun. “Shovel Knight” is essentially what happens when you take the best parts out of NES classics like “Duck Tales,” “Mega Man,” and others and put them into one tightly packed game. If you own a system this game is on (it will release on all PlayStation platforms in early 2015) you need to check this game out.
1. “Super Smash Bros for Wii U” (Wii U)
I honestly tried my hardest not to put “Super Smash Bros for Wii U” at No. 1. It was inevitable, though. “Smash” is the most fun I’ve had with a game all year, and even as I write this I’m contemplating putting this article off past its deadline and playing instead. Actually, you know what? That’s what I’m going to do, so if you want to see my thoughts on the game, go read my review of “Super Smash Bros. for 3DS” online and imagine what that review would be like if I thought that game was 100 times more enjoyable.