Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE: 9/17/2020
Availability of Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Addendum
Lathrop Drive/Bascom Hill Utility Improvements – Phase 2
DFDM Project # 19G2Q
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Lathrop Drive
An addendum to Final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Lathrop Drive/Bascom Hill Utility Improvements – Phase I, published June 2019, was prepared for the Phase 2 scope of work in accordance with the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA), Wisconsin Statutes 1.11, and UWSA guidelines (Board of Regents’ Resolution 2508, November 6, 1981). University of Wisconsin – Madison (UW-Madison) Facilities Planning and Management has retained Ayres Associates on behalf of the University of Wisconsin System Administration (UWSA) to prepare this Phase 2 EIA addendum.
The UW-Madison campus is currently served by a variety of thermal, electrical, and civil utilities and requires constant improvements to keep the systems maintained. Routine upkeep is no longer sufficient, and the university has identified the Lathrop Drive/Bascom Hill utility project as a critical campus improvement.
Phase 2 of the proposed utility improvement project will improve the reliability of the steam, chilled water, civil and electrical distribution systems by replacing and adding the necessary infrastructure to complete the utility transmission along Lathrop Drive in the Bascom Hill area.
The purpose of the Draft EIA addendum is to identify potential impacts of the project on the physical, biological, social, and economic environments along Lathrop Drive and surrounding buildings. The Draft EIA addendum describing these potential impacts is being made available to the public and to appropriate federal, State, and local agencies for a 15-day review period starting September 18, 2020. Copies of the document will be available for review at the UW-Madison’s Helen C. White Library and Madison Public (Central Branch) Library, and on the following project website:
If you are interested in this project or have any information relevant to it, we welcome your comments, suggestions, or other input. For consideration in the Final EIA, please submit your comments in writing no later than 6:00 p.m., October 2, 2020. Comments can be sent to:
Ben Peotter, PE
Ayres Associates
5201 E. Terrace Drive, Suite 200
Madison, WI 53718
Comment forms are available via the project website.