In a marvelous delivery the President presented a speach that was more than any of his supporters could have asked for. He hit all the issues, defense, social security, education, welfare, jobs, abortion, gay marriage, and everything else. Bush spoke like a commander in chief and the latest poll numbers show that he probably will be for the next four years.
In an unprecedented move Kerry made a pit stop in Ohio to respond to the president’s speach, which he hadn’t even seen. In the speech, which was started late on 2 of the 3 cable news networks and cut out of before its completion on all 3 the challenger talked about the angry rhetoric at the RNC. I’m confused. What do the Republicans have to be angry about. Bush is presidentm and likely will remain as such and the Republicans control the Congress. If calling Kerry out on his voting record and Vietnam service, which he made and issue in the first place, make the Republicans “angry,” then I guess I need to look up the meaning of the word. Edwards and the rest of the Democrats have been all over the news talking about the anger at the RNC: get a clue, there is nothing for the Republicans to be angry about, you’re the ones who are angry.
I would discuss the rest of the speach but there is no reason to, it was all nonsense. There was no substance, no valid conclusions, and basically made no sense. This campaign is crumbling. Its evident in the tactics taken. Kerry’s speach, which was supposed to steal the headlines, isn’t even showing up on Kerry is quickly becoming old news. Its excting to watch a campaign deteriorate before our eyes. Kerry jsut needs to hope Michael Moore can pull something out of his hat to save this one for the Democrats.