At exactly 7 p.m. last Wednesday evening, the Capitol Square hummed with the sounds of an excitedly chattering crowd as the opening chords of the famous “March” from the movie “Superman” began to swell and flood the area with music. The lawn surrounding the Capitol was barely visible, hidden underneath countless blankets on which citizens of Madison, both young and old, sat with friends and family in anticipation of a favorite Madison summer tradition: Concerts on the Square.
The first Concert on the Square was held over 26 years ago on the evening of June 27, 1984. In the ’80s, Madison’s downtown was often left abandoned on weekday nights, its beauty unappreciated by citizens eager to return home from work. Philanthropist Pleasant Rowland changed that when she introduced the idea of holding a free family-friendly outdoor concert on summer evenings. Rowland’s vision has since become among the most popular events of Madison’s summer, drawing an audience that reflects the diversity of age, thought and lifestyle throughout the city.
Septimiu Teodorescu, a citizen of Madison who is originally from Romania and now owns a gym on the Capitol Square, has been celebrating the weekly concerts with food, drink and friends for over five years now. According to Teodorescu, the concerts “Bring all the good people around to appreciate art and music. It’s a place you can really relax and enjoy a snack with friends.”
For six consecutive Wednesdays between June and July, the Capitol Square is closed to all traffic, the buses are rerouted and the citizens of Madison gather to enjoy an evening of free music performed by the renowned Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary season this year. Vendors line the streets, offering pizza, ice cream, beverages and much more. Many audience members choose to bring their own nourishment, arriving by the dozens with picnic baskets under their arms in search of the perfect spot on the Square.
Each concert has a theme and also a special guest artist who is featured throughout the evening. With various themes including “Verdi Meets Elvis,” “Maverick Marimba,” and “A Night at the Opera,” the music is sure to please everyone. The concerts generally last for an hour and a half, ending around 8:30 p.m. with an intermission halfway though.
“There is usually a mix of classical favorites, lesser heard classical selections and more popular songs in every concert” said Suzanne Beia, a School of Music professor at the UW. Beia was also featured as guest artist on violin the night of July 15, which paid homage to Hollywood with the theme “Movie Blockbusters.” The night’s lineup included well-known theme music from “Superman,” “Schindler’s List” and “Star Wars,” among others.
No matter what music fills the air, the atmosphere at Concerts on the Square never changes. According to Beia “It’s ideal: such a large percentage of our community turning out, each week, to eat, drink, socialize, enjoy the outdoors, relax and listen to a wonderful variety of music performed at a very high level.”
Andy Hansinger, a UW student entering his senior year in the fall, spent the evening of July 15 lounging with friends and enjoying the soothing sounds of Concerts on the Square. He has discovered, like many, that living in Madison over the summer allows students to leave the bubble of campus and explore Madison as a city, not just a college town.
“I love that not only do you get to experience the music, but you get to experience the Capitol too,” Hansinger said. “It really brings the city together.”
For any Badger seeking the essential Madison experience, Concerts on the Square is a necessary checkpoint on the list of things to do. Students should not miss the chance to participate in one of the most popular and exciting traditions that the city has to offer while mingling with their fellow Madisonians.
This year’s finale of Concerts on the Square is next week, July 29, where the theme will be “Maverick Marimba.” The concert begins at 7 p.m.