Police reported to the 200 block of North Park Street Monday morning when a moped driver collided with a car after failing to yield to oncoming traffic.
According to Howard Payne of the Madison Police Department, the moped driver, a 20-year-old male, was unconscious when police officers arrived at the scene and sustained head and leg injuries, neither of which are believed to be life-threatening.
The moped driver was traveling south on Park Street but did not yield to oncoming traffic while making a left turn onto West Dayton Street, according to an MPD release. The moped driver was hit by the oncoming vehicle and then impacted the windshield of the car.
According to the release, the moped driver was at fault for the accident. No further information regarding the driver's identity or medical information was available as of press time.
MPD Sgt. Sue Armagost said moped accidents are fairly common, especially on the UW campus. She also said drivers of any small vehicle — both mopeds and bicycles — should always be aware of their surroundings and drive with extra caution.
"Anybody driving something that small needs to really be mindful that mistakes are going to be very costly," Armagost said. "They need to anticipate bad things are going to happen."
And unlike motorcyclists, moped owners are not required to obtain a special license to ride in the streets. However, she added, drivers concerned with safety should participate in courses to ensure a better command for rules of the road.
"The unfortunate thing is, with a moped, you are not required to have a motorcycle license," Armagost said. "One [safety] suggestion would be to look into a motorcycle safety course — the dynamics are very similar."
Payne also said motorists should never underestimate the value of common sense and simple road safety.
"The Madison Police Department continues to alert all roadway operators to pay particular attention at busy intersections, and to use extra precautions when making decisions of crossing the pathway of oncoming vehicles," he said in a release.
The moped crash was not the only incident the MPD had to respond to in the campus area Monday. In the early morning hours, a 22-year-old woman called police to the 600 block of North Frances Street where she reported a stolen purse.
In a release, the MPD said the woman was walking down the street when the suspect sped past her on a bicycle. He then turned around to ride in the opposite direction on the sidewalk, and while passing the woman again, he snatched her purse out of her hand. The suspect rode away in the direction of State Street without being caught.
Unlike moped accidents, Armagost said this type of robbery is heard of, but rare. There have been no recent incidents reported like this one, she added, and purse robberies tend to be preventable.
"I would suggest women who are carrying purses to carry them on the side of their body away from traffic," Armagost said. "We don't like to take chances — keep valuables elsewhere on your body."