Although some questions may seem a bit uncomfortable to ask, our Hump Day columnist has got you covered.
Here are some questions and concerns students on campus have about sex and relationships. The following are shared experiences among many, so if you felt as if you were the only one thinking this way — you are not alone.
Q: I’m over 18 years old, but have still never been in a relationship. Is there something wrong with me?
A: Absolutely not. People mature at different stages in life and you should not have to feel bad about yourself by comparing your experiences to others. Some people have been in plenty of relationships believing that they were in love, but none of which were truly fulfilling. You should never feel rushed to become intimate with another person because when you meet someone that you want to be with. It will all make sense once day as the time of this meeting varies from one person to the next.
Q: How can I maintain my long distance relationship while away at school?
A: A solid foundation before you move is crucial and after you move, communication is key. If you are not able to talk to your significant other about what is going on in both of your lives while apart, then is it really fair to label what you have a relationship? As long as you are both on the same page about expectations and boundaries, you should be able to maintain the strength you had before you were separated. It is also important to always be open and honest with each other.
Q: How can I ensure both partners receive pleasure during sexual activity?
A: Men and women reach their sexual peak at different times. It is true that more often men receive orgasms during sexual activity when compared to women, but when done right, women can have one or multiple orgasms during sexual activity. Some of this can be changed through better education of the male and female anatomy, but it can also be addressed through conversation. The solution can be as simple as taking turns and telling your partner what they need to do to pleasure you.
Q: Should I feel bad about hooking up with new people often?
A: College is the perfect time to explore your sexuality. This could vary in meaning from sexual preferences to the type of relationships you want to be in. To figure this out, you may need to have experiences with a number of people. There should be no shame in trying to understand what you desire from a significant other.
Q: At what point in the relationship is it acceptable to eat your partner’s ass or have them eat you out?
A: Again, it depends on the person. Some people may want to do it the first time you meet, and others need more time to work towards the action. Not everybody is going to feel comfortable doing or receiving pleasure in this form, so first it is important to have a conversation about it.