Regardless of one’s political orientation, it must be said that President Bush delivered what is arguably his finest speech of the past two years this evening. Not since his last momentous occasion in New York City – his post 9/11 visit to “Ground Zero” – has the Commander in Chief seemed so self-confident.
Moreover, President Bush nailed his speech with a level of comfort that is perhaps unprecedented in his national political life. There were no “Bushisms,” there was but a single notable stutter, and over one hour passed while he gracefully held the stage.
On a partisan note, the man couldn’t have delivered a finer address. Every major issue – from the economy to Iraq – was handled with the utmost care. One cannot charge that he dodged the topics of our time; one can only beg to differ with his stances.
And so now President Bush rides out of his convention with as much momentum as was seemingly possible. John Kerry will take to the stage at midnight eastern this evening in hopes of regaining the headlines, but it seems unlikely that he can even hope to share the news with President Bush this weekend.
Then again, there is a hurricane headed for Florida, and it might just be that – an act of G-d – that is the only thing capable of stealing this weekend’s headlines from the 43rd President.