Student Services Financial Committee’s Kurt Gosselin had officially announced his resignation as chair of the committee as of 2:11 a.m. Thursday morning. Most people who received the e-mail most likely suffered the same initial shock that hit me — all the leadership and guidance that had once pervaded his position was now all but completely gone. I would imagine, though, most people who received that letter did not realize the significance of the time it was sent, as e-mails from Gosselin early in the morning were nothing unusual. It was the only time he had free.
Regardless of your opinions of SSFC or the Associated Students of Madison as a whole, one thing can be certain: The role of SSFC chair is nothing short of a monumental task. Long hours, a measly stipend and a ridiculous amount of office work are part of the job description, not to mention responsibly allocating millions of student dollars. Add that on top of the fact he is the Letters and Sciences representative in the Student Council, serves on the Student Activity Center Governing Board and is a Nominations Board member. Glamorous would be the last word that would appear on the list of adjectives describing Gosselin’s position.
But that never stopped him. Never in my life have I seen someone get so much enjoyment from such an absolutely terrible task. He took his role seriously, was always available for committee members and student groups on campus and was always there to give solid advice and guide students — and I would like to think non-students as well — on the path of good decision-making. He was the manifestation of the old saying: He gave 110 percent to his job.
All this came at a great cost to him, and despite always having a smile on his face, he was forgoing some of the most aspects of his life for the betterment of the campus. “Although I have joked with each of you that sometimes I forget that I am a student,” Gosselin wrote in his letter of resignation, “it is the reason I am on this campus.” I can only give my sincerest respect to the individual who toiled so hard in the face of such adversity, and I cannot give enough sincere respect to the individual who knows his priorities. I do not even come close to blaming him for his decision.
SSFC has been the matter of some scrutiny and criticism in the past, but I think on this matter no one can argue. Kurt Gosselin deserves nothing but respect and admiration for the role he filled on behalf of the students of
It is my belief I will hear of Kurt Gosselin again sometime in the future, probably when he is handling some other monolithic mission. His personality and passion are the foundations from which leaders are born. I can’t see him taking any other path.
I imagine Kurt will have a more reasonable amount of free time now. I would also like to imagine that he is most likely out there right now reading this and realizing that all his hard work did not go unnoticed. If that is true, then I would just like to say: Thank you Kurt Gosselin, on behalf of all the students of this university.
Brandon John Williams
Representative, Student Services Financial Committee
SSFC Representative, Student Activity Center Governing Board
Internal Relations Director, The Ogg Association