You’d think that after the defeat the Democrats suffered in November, there would be more of a sense of urgency for Democratic party leaders to realize they’ve horribly miscalculated the sentiments of the average American, move out of the way and allow for the promotion of people with fresh ideas into the forefront of the Democratic party.
It is stunning, to say the least, that leaders from the top of the Democratic hierarchy, starting with U.S. Rep. and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Cali., to the bottom, with Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning, believe they can just continue on like they didn’t just lose, possibly, the most winnable election in American history.
Pelosi has already been reelected to the post of Minority Leader for the Democrats in the House without facing any stark opposition. Hopefully, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin can buck this trend and start restructuring.
Laning, the current Democratic Party chair, has just announced her intention to run for reelection to the chairship, a move that is puzzling several of her potential challengers.
The election, for good measure, isn’t for another six months. But it looks like Laning wants an early examination of her chances to maintain her chairship, and I have to be honest — it doesn’t look good.
Her main, and really only job, when she became chair in June 2015 was to help Democrats win seats in the state Assembly, the state Senate, get Russ Feingold elected and stop president-elect Donald Trump.
It looks like she failed on all of those fronts. Wisconsin Democrats lost a seat in the state Assembly and senate. In sweeping fashion, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., kept his seat, dealing Feingold a crushing defeat. Trump stunned all of Wisconsin, carrying the state despite the last poll showing him down six points to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Not many people fail that epically and still manage to keep their job. It’s time for Laning to go.
Aaron Reilly ( is a sophomore majoring in social work and economics.