What’s the best place on Earth (BPOE)? There are many good places, but at any given instant, only one can be the very best. And, as conditions change from one moment to the next, the BPOE hops all over the planet. But for a few glorious, golden hours every spring, the honor of being the BPOE descends upon the Memorial Union Terrace. Carpe diem!
Richard S. Russell
Retired WAA staff member
You write: “Of the hundreds of campus groups … the College Republicans and College Democrats are two of the most influential.” (“College Republicans Promote Candidates,” May 7, 2002)
Really? By some measures that may be true, but on the basis of whom students most often vote for, it isn’t. Take a look at the elected officeholders in student neighborhoods. Alders Jarrell, Konkel, Powell, as well as Supervisors Vedder, Richmond, and Hendrick, are all Greens and Progressives. Other downtown elected officials, including Alders Verveer, Olson and Sloan, are Progressive Dane members as well.
Maybe the Herald should feature a story on the UW Green Progressive Alliance to find out why students repeatedly back independent progressive parties like the Progressives and Greens in local elections.
Ben Manski
UW alum
As a person who legitimately knows the Middle East and the history of this complicated place, I am becoming more and more annoyed by the rising number of individuals who think they know Israelis and Palestinians better than we know ourselves.
Sarah Kaiksow is one good example of this individual. She doesn’t even know how long the Palestinians have been occupied by Israel, stating they “are still waiting for their rights after 54 years of oppression.” Well, Israel only occupied the territories since 1967. That was the year many Arab nations tried to root out the state and failed — leaving Israel with territories it didn’t even want. To suggest Israel is trying to “make more of [the Middle East] their home” is absurd. The state of Israel only seeks its own protection.
Also, I don’t think Kaiksow should attack Opinion editor Kristin Wieben on the grounds “she clearly doesn’t know much when it comes to Middle Eastern conflict.” As her writings prove, Kaiksow herself clearly doesn’t know much.
Just because she spent the last couple weeks looking at the past two difficult years for the Palestinians does not mean Kaiksow is an expert. I’ve spent my whole life surrounded by it, and it still seems complex.
Yifaa Shalev
UW freshman