Seventeen people in Dane County have been diagnosed with COVID-19 according to a Public Health Madison and Dane County press release. The press release identifies the issue as “community spread” as there is no known source of the coronavirus.
Director of Public Health Madison and Dane County, Janel Heinrich advises community members to stay at home as much as possible and exhibit social distancing. According to the press release, PHMDC expects the number of cases to continue to increase in Dane County.
PHMDC advises community members to stay home, especially while sick, and to limit contact with other people. The press release said to cancel group events, gatherings and nonessential appointments. PHMDC asks people to work from home as much as possible and avoid traveling. If there is an absolute need to go out, PHMDC advises people to stay six feet away from others.
PHMDC also advises community members to use virtual visits with the doctor and to call the office before going in for the doctor to decide if testing is necessary. The press release also said to wash hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Additionally, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, avoid shaking hands and touching your face or being in other’s personal space. The press release asks for people to get their flu shot and to cough or sneeze into an elbow or tissue.