An incredibly interesting primary season has developed for
both the Republican and Democratic parties that began with the Iowa caucuses.
Sen. Hillary Clinton, an unlikely underdog but an underdog nevertheless, found
herself in third place after Iowa and facing an uphill battle going into New
Hampshire. Multiple polls had given Sen. Barack Obama a two-digit lead in the
Granite State, but by the end of the day on Jan. 8, Ms. Clinton had won 39
percent of the vote to Mr. Obama’s 37 percent.
Exit polls in New Hampshire indicated that many voters were
deciding on a candidate in the last few days before the primary, even right up
until voting, and that the economy was the most important issue for many of
them in making their final choice. Ms. Clinton has been concerned about the
economy for quite some time and has campaigned about her efforts to pressure
the Bush administration to take the necessary steps to move us away from our
current path, one which she sees leading us into a recession.
Ms. Clinton has a clear plan to jumpstart our economy and
move toward a more positive economic future. The backbone of this plan is
strengthening the American middle class and lending a helping hand to those
Americans in need. The American middle class is struggling to makes ends meet
in a country with growing income discrepancies. Ms. Clinton will help Americans
by lowering taxes for the middle class (instead of just the wealthiest, who are
receiving tax cuts right now).
In addition, the cost of health care has become a growing burden
for Americans, and Ms. Clinton is committed to making it affordable for all.
These are just some of her many initiatives to get the American economy back on
However, she realizes that many Americans are facing
hardships right now because of the current economic conditions. Unfortunately,
more and more Americans are facing housing foreclosures as a result of the
sub-prime mortgage crisis. Ms. Clinton has developed a plan to help these
families get back on their feet by having a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures.
Not only is the housing crisis an incredible hardship for many individual
families, but it also has far-reaching effects on the general economy. Ms.
Clinton will establish an Emergency Housing Crisis Fund that sets aside $30
billion to help cities and states deal with the growing number of foreclosures.
Ms. Clinton also sees how rising energy costs are hurting
American citizens and the economy in turn. She will provide $25 billion in
energy support to American families struggling with the overwhelming cost of
heating bills this winter. In addition, she understands the importance of
energy independence and renewable energy sources to the American economy. Ms.
Clinton will invest $5 billion in energy efficiency and alternative energy sources
to help both our environmental future and provide new green jobs for Americans.
Finally, she will invest $10 billion in unemployment
insurance for those Americans who are struggling to find jobs. For Ms. Clinton,
it is important to make sure that the American economy flourishes and works for
each and every citizen, and that no one is left out in the cold.
Ms. Clinton understands what is important to Americans and
is developing pragmatic and effective ways to face the challenges ahead. Her
success in New Hampshire was a clear sign that Americans trust her. As we move
toward Super Tuesday and the other remaining primaries across the country,
voters will once again place their trust in her, allowing her to take the
nomination and the White House.
Meg Brown
( is a
senior majoring in political science.