The Badger Herald Editorial Board is composed of seven Herald staff members and represents the voice of our editorial department. Our purpose is to speak out and take a stance on the most relevant issues concerning the University of Wisconsin campus, the city of Madison and the state of Wisconsin.
Each member of the board is engaged with the greater campus community outside of the Herald, and we strive to ensure we challenge ourselves with new perspectives.
If you have suggestions for topics we should cover or have a response to anything we write, feel free to send us an email at
Following is this semester’s Editorial Board:
Anne Isman — Editorial Board Chair and Print Features Editor
I’m Anne, and I’ve been at The Badger Herald since I decided freshman year that the Herald’s website looked better than that other campus newspaper’s site. This is my fifth semester at the Herald, my second as Editorial Board Chair and my first as Print Features Editor.
I’m a junior double-majoring in economics and international studies along with a French certificate, so I scroll through the New York Times front page like it’s my Instagram feed. When I’m not doing that, I’ll also read New York Magazine and the New Yorker, because if I haven’t already told you, I’m from New York.
I love writing for the Herald and reading all things Herald, so if you have a hot take or any idea at all that you want to talk about, email me at
Erin Gretzinger — Editor-in-Chief
I’m Erin, and I’ve worked at The Badger Herald since my freshman year. I started out as a timid news writer, then became a city news editor. Last year, I was the digital news editor and this year, I am honored to be at the Herald’s helm as the editor-in-chief.
I am a junior double majoring in journalism and French. I came into college planning to study journalism — after visiting the wonderful, chaotic Herald office for the first time, I knew it was the place where I wanted to become a reporter. As an avid advocate for local journalism, I accordingly get most of my news from publications on the Isthmus such as the Wisconsin State Journal and Cap Times.
We are always looking to broaden our coverage and hear as many perspectives as possible. Whether you want to raise awareness about an issue important to you or write about something completely goofy, the Herald’s got a place for you and your thoughts — reach out to me at with any questions about how to get involved.
Nuha Dolby — Member of the Board of Directors
I’m Nuha, and I’ve worked at The Badger Herald since my first semester freshman year. I started out in news, moved my way up to news editor and then features editor, and now do most of my writing outside student media but still sit on our Board of Directors, yelling at people.
I’m studying English and math and am looking forward to a hopeful career in reporting. I’m a huge fan of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (support local media always!) and religiously read The Onion because they keep making jokes that read a little too much like real news. In my free time, I like to take naps and eat cheese — I am basically a mouse.
If you want to chat or share ideas, I recommend reaching out to one of the more likable members of the Editorial Board! They’ve all put their emails down so that should be nice and simple.
Will Romano — Opinion Editor
My name is Will and I’ve worked with The Badger Herald since my first semester freshman year. I started out as a news writer but quickly became too opinionated and joined the opinion section in my second semester. This is my first semester as an opinion editor and member of the Editorial Board.
I’m a sophomore majoring in economics and journalism and working towards a certificate in environmental studies. I’m interested in social media, corporations, soccer and green infrastructure. I also have random fascinations with vocabulary and Anthony Bourdain. So yes, I’m all over the place.
In my free time, I peruse The New York Times and The Washington Post. You can usually find me staring blankly into Lake Mendota as I brainstorm ideas for my next article. If you or anyone you know wants to write for us — or you just have a random, passionate opinion about anything — reach out to me at!
Hayden Kolowrat — Opinion Editor
My name is Hayden and I began writing at The Badger Herald last winter just to get some weekly writing practice. Now after two semesters, I am currently an opinion editor and member of the Editorial Board.
While this is my fourth year at UW-Madison, it is my first as a graduate student. I graduated early this past year with a B.A. in history and am now pursuing my M.A. in Southeast Asian studies. I research instances of U.S. military interventions in Southeast Asia and other places around the world. You can read my latest academic publication on this subject, specifically regarding the U.S. Army’s attempts to Americanize Filipino soldiers, here. I plan to continue my education in a history Ph.D program so that eventually I can pursue these topics either in academia or on the editorial board of a historical journal.
If you’re interested in writing for the opinion section, email me at
Ben Baker — Print Features Editor
I’m Ben. I started working with The Badger Herald as a freshman and I have been involved with a variety of positions at the paper since then. I began my time at the Herald working in the news division, but I gravitated towards feature writing near the end of my junior year. This semester, I took up the position of print features editor.
I’m a senior and a journalism major on the reporting track here at UW-Madison. Like some of my fellow editors, I may spend copious amounts of time sifting through the Wall Street Journal and New York Times websites, but I try to balance my time with some hiking or biking and picking up a guitar when I can.
I’ve loved my time at the Herald, and I can’t recommend writing for us enough. If you’ve got a passion for current events or want to take an in-depth look at an ongoing news story, please feel free to contact me at!
Janani Sundar — Digital Features Editor
I’m Janani and I started working at the Badger Herald my freshman year and have been here ever since. I started as a news reporter and was a news associate for two semesters, and this will be my second semester as a digital features section head.
I’m a junior majoring in neurobiology with a certificate in French. I’m on the pre-med track and would eventually like to become an ophthalmologist.
Like my fellow editors, I can’t say I actively sift through the WSJ or NYT, but I do spend copious amounts of time scrolling randomly in search of inspiration for stories. In my free time, I love to sing, play the flute, watch way too much Netflix and try out/sometimes miserably fail at making recipes from “The Great British Bake Off.”
I love working at the Herald and am always looking for new topics to explore and new writers. If you ever have an urge to write about literally anything — and I mean literally anything— feel free to contact me at!
The Editorial Board serves to represent the voice of The Badger Herald editorial department, distinct from the newsroom, and does not necessarily reflect the views of each staff member.