In America, one in five women and one in 51 men will be raped during their lifetime. This compares with the 44 percent of women and 23 percent of men who have already experienced sexual assault. Out of the latter, 21 percent of women and five percent of men have reported their assault.
The statistics only get scarier when focused on domestic assault cases: 9.4 percent of women have been raped by an intimate partner, while one in three women and one in four men have been physically abused by a significant other. Clearly this issue disproportionately affects women, however, it is clear men — especially in domestic cases — also experience sexual, emotional and physical abuse. The rape culture currently shines through in the United States and there is little support from the current administration to combat it politically.
Former Staff Secretary Rob Porter is yet another one of the many men in the White House who has been accused of sexual assault, violence and repeated abuse. Porter abruptly resigned Feb. 7 after allegations of abuse rose from not one, but two of his ex-wives.
Later, information about another woman claiming to be Porter’s girlfriend surfaced. This new woman works within the federal government and has also experienced emotional and physical abuse from Porter. In 2016, she reached out to his two ex-wives for help in leaving the man who rose to power quickly.
Recently, White House Communications Director Hope Hicks appeared as Porter’s latest romance. Hicks has been praised by President Donald Trump and has not received much negative backlash from the domestic abuse scandal. Porter’s ex-wife Jennifer Willoughby fought back by stating if Porter had not abused Hicks, he would have eventually.
This may, in fact, go even further: Hicks may be lying about the details of her relationship with Porter. The power dynamic between the two White House staffers suggests even if Hicks denies being abused, she may be lying to not lose political ground. Hicks may intentionally be laying low and not reporting her abuse like so many other abuse survivors because she is afraid her career may be tainted.
As the evidence stacks up against Porter, the Trump administration continues to support him. This includes commenting on his great personality and work ethic. This is everything but surprising as this administration has continuously supported men who perpetuate rape culture, the belittlement of women and the continued oppression of all who are not white Christian men.
This occasion lingers in the shadow of the failed election of Judge Roy Moore — accused of having sexual relationships with a minor — in the Alabama Senate race. This did not deter President Trump or the Republican party from supporting him. The list of Trump-endorsed accused abusers goes on to include the late Roger Ailes from Fox, President Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and Bill O’Reilly from Fox, to name a few.
It’s only right President Trump and his administration again support a woman-abusing political figure and what better way to do so than a tweet.
Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused – life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 10, 2018
President Trump once again proves himself a misogynist. The president tweeted an offensive message regarding the Porter case and, more generally, the #MeToo movement which names predators and seeks justice for sexual assault victims. He not only victim-shamed survivors, but also pitied accused perpetrators.
While some of these accused abusers may be wrongly accused, the reality of the matter is the great majority of offenders never get detained, and those who do rarely face prison. Thus, the actual probability of a falsely accused person of going to jail or facing judicial action is slim, and not really the main issue within the topic of sexual assault or domestic violence in the U.S.
President Trump’s tweet talks about the importance of due process, but he fails to mention the thousands of abused and assaulted people who never see justice. Nevertheless, in relation to the Porter case, there is transparent evidence of his guilt: Transcripts, a restraining order and a photo of his first wife with a black eye.
Due process should include holding those in power accountable for their actions. If the president is so concerned about due process, there are most definitely more important mass trends of unfair incarceration.
The U.S. government, current administration and president all reflect America’s inability to acknowledge and fight sexual and domestic abuse. The country’s leaders failing as role models are praising men who are guilty of sexual and violent crimes.
Pitying those with the influential power in the U.S. is ridiculous. They must be held accountable just like every layman they are meant to serve. But wealthy white men with power can weather the accusations of rape and abuse just fine. Take a look at who sits in the Oval Office.
Emiliana Almanza Lopez ( is a sophomore majoring in sociology and environmental science.