This election season has been one hell of a ride to say the least.
In many ways, this presidential race has been one for the history books. We’ve seen a massive field of candidates fight for our country’s favor, we’ve witnessed some groups of voter mobilize like never before and we watched on as 140-character tweets became sources of national debate.
For many of us students at the University of Wisconsin, this will be the first presidential election which we have the opportunity to participate in. This is an opportunity and a privilege we cannot take for granted.
We as students cannot afford to be silent during this election. Even if you, like me, often find yourself jaded and cynical about politics, now is the time to take an action that will make a difference. Vote.
Whether you realize it or not, this election will have a lasting impact on our generation and beyond. This election has brought us two candidates with polarized views that have the potential to lead our nation in two wildly different directions. From domestic matters like Supreme Court nominations and college affordability, to international issues like security and addressing the crisis that is our environment, Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton share little common ground.
But no matter which candidate and policies you prefer, you will have no right to complain about the outcome of Nov. 8 if you don’t take the initiative to participate in the electoral process.
The university administration has taken considerable steps to ensure every eligible student voter has the opportunity to cast their ballot. From providing free voter IDs for students to allowing an early voting location at the Student Activity Center, the university is doing all it can to make your voting life easier.
Associated Students of Madison, College Democrats and College Republicans have all taken the initiative to help educate student voters and make sure we know what to expect on Nov. 8.
Yes, our state has weird voter ID laws, and no, you can’t take a selfie with your ballot in Wisconsin. But that shouldn’t stop you from taking the time out of your day to exercise your constitutional right.