Dear Editor,
Students have the opportunity to make an impact in an important but little-recognized race that will be on the ballot when they show up to vote today: Dane County Sheriff. I invite everyone to join me in strongly supporting Robbie Lowery's candidacy. Robbie is a proven leader with a progressive vision and will make history by becoming the first African-American Sheriff in Dane County's history. Just like students catapulted Tammy Baldwin to her first victory many years ago, so too can we help make history today!
Unlike his challenger, Robbie is a fierce opponent of concealed carry laws, which would put more guns on our streets, and he has a personal and in-depth understanding of the challenges we face in addressing racial disparities in our criminal justice system. Did you know that Dane County has the worst black-to-white incarceration rate in the state, and that Wisconsin has the worst rate in the country? Turning around the gross inequities caused by our failed War on Drugs will take fortitude and perseverance, qualities that Robbie Lowery has in spades. It's about time we shook up the sheriff's office, and we can do that today by casting our votes for Robbie Lowery.
Ald. Austin King