Read the byline of this column, this piece is written by the Chair of the College Republicans. Automatically, Democrats and other liberals are going to hate this piece — they are looking for some outrageous, scandalously conservative statements that they can point to and say, "Those conservatives are crazy and repulsive."
Republicans will hope this piece is insightful and clever while sticking it to the liberals. Moreover, moderates or apathetics, who chose a side based on their issue du jour, will be looking to see where I fall on their particular issue. However, they won't be swayed one way or another to join either political party.
The Chair of the College Democrats wrote in yesterday's Badger Herald that the choice to be a Democrat was easy and clear. I wholeheartedly disagree. Brian Shactman used examples like Pell grants and Hurricane Katrina as glaring examples of Republican failures. However, taking Pell Grants as the issue du jour is pandering to college students — pure and simple — and capitalizing on the emotion and suffering of the victims of Hurricane Katrina to rally people to your political cause is disingenuous.
One shouldn't chose their political party based on whichever side promises more "stuff." Political opinions should be based on values, common sense and results.
I'm sorry, but Pell Grants aren't making the world go 'round and we've got bigger fish to fry in this world on all levels, such as terrorism, Social Security reform and preventing voter fraud. The Republican Party offers a pragmatic approach to governing that Democrats and liberal political organizations don't. Republicans support free enterprise, lower taxes and a strong military.
Solutions and accountability are what the Republicans bring instead of criticism. While some may criticize Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner for his vote against the $52 billion in aid for Hurricane victims, I applaud his courage to take a stand on this issue. Liberals are already moaning about the heartlessness of Sensenbrenner's vote.
However, accountability is important and we should encourage our representatives to be more mindful of our pocketbooks. To quote Arnold Schwarzenegger, "If you believe that government should be accountable to the people, not the people to the government … then you are a Republican!"
Just last week, a lecturer of mine said, "Everyone in government thinks they are helping," and with a shrug of his liberal shoulders, "even politicians who want to give money back to taxpayers." In a tone of reconciliation he added, "I guess they want people to have money in their pockets because they think that will be more fair." I wanted to shout, "hell yeah," let's hold government accountable. The need for fiscal responsibility in government is growing, and the College Republicans is the only student-organization fighting for some sanity in the tax-and-spend liberal land known as Madison.
In my three years at Madison, I have been exposed to unsubstantiated liberal rhetoric. If you are tired of the pandering and unaccountability of the Democrats and long for some accountability in government, I ask that you come to the College Republican meeting this evening to become a thorn in the side of liberal Madisonians.
Jordan Smith ([email protected]) is a Senior majoring in Political Science and getting a certificate in Business. She is the Chair of the College Republicans. The CRs will be meeting this evening in 2080 Grainger Hall at 7 p.m.