An online survey conducted by University of Wisconsin researchers on COVID-19 social distancing revealed many individuals find it difficult to stay home.
According to the survey report, researchers made the survey available between March 19 and March 22. The report states a total of 26,505 respondents from Wisconsin completed the survey.
According to the report, the goal of the survey was to determine the characteristics of individuals who are not yet fully complying with social distancing and understand what prevents them from doing so. The report examined the types of messages respondents most likely responded to and tried to identify the media channels utilized most.
UW researchers create survey to understand community beliefs, behaviors amid COVID-19 pandemic
“The goal of the survey was to better understand people’s beliefs, attitudes, feelings, and self-reported behaviors related to social distancing and COVID-19,” the report said. “More precisely, we wanted to collect information that would allow us — or others — to design a successful campaign to get people to intensify their social distancing.”
According to the report, many of the respondents reported having a difficult time social distancing due to work or family obligations. The report indicated some individuals, such as health care workers, could not comply more with social distancing even if they wanted to.
Additionally, the report noted many individuals feared their mental health will worsen while social distancing. According to the report, some individuals did not know how to stay connected with friends and had a difficult time staying busy. To combat these anxieties, the report discussed alternative language.
“Some have argued that ‘physical distancing’ is a more appropriate term than ‘social distancing,’ since once can increase physical space between one and others, yet still to be socially connected,” the report said. “After all, social connection is more important than ever in times of crisis.”