Student Services Finance Committee approved Badger Catholic’s budget for FY22 and held budget hearings for the Wisconsin Black Student Union and Student Leadership Program.
SSFC approved Badger Catholic’s budget after making amendments to reflect what the group has historically spent as well as removing line items that went against what General Student Services Fund money is able to be spent on.
Vice Chair D’Souza motioned to reduce Badger Catholic’s local services budget lines, which would be used for volunteering opportunities and transportation, to zero because the beneficiaries of the programming were not UW students directly.
“I don’t think that it will inhibit programming because there’s already a $5 million budget for the bus pass that students pay for through [segregated] fees, which might be slightly more inconvenient, but it’s already a way for students to get to that program if they need to.”
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After amendments, the Badger Catholics budget was approved by a vote of 12-0-2 and the committee decreased the budget by 4.83% overall.
Before budget hearings began, D’Souza added an agenda item to correct the salaries of four GSSF groups that had positions with hourly wages above what was allowed in the SSFC bylaws.
Chair Tess Reilly said an SSFC bylaw was changed during last semester that capped GSSF member salaries at $10.50 per hour, but during the budget hearings for Student Veterans Association, Sex Out Loud, Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment and Atheists, Humanists & Agnostics, the committee did not correct wages of several positions to reflect this.
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“Last semester these were all charges that were made in the virtual environment, and a lot of things kind of got lost in translation,” Reilly said. “And so I apologize, but we have to do this, it’s a policy.”
SSFC also heard presentations from WBSU and SLP. SLP presented for their GSSF eligibility and budget hearing, both of which will be voted on next week along with WBSU’s budget.
SSFC will meet again Thursday on Zoom at 6:00 p.m.