The Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity at the University of Wisconsin has been terminated for violating terms of its suspension.
The chapter has been under suspension for several semesters for past policy violations, according to a UW statement. The Committee on Student Organizations found that the chapter hosted events, intentionally violating their suspension and leading to their termination.
“The repeated offenses and multiple violations by Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity are inexcusable and inappropriate in accordance with the values of the Interfraternity Council at UW-Madison,” Conner Feldman, executive president of the council said in the statement. “Fraternity accountability is vital to the community so that those who follow the rules have something of value.”
The fraternity will be terminated for at least two years, which means they lose registered student organization status and can no longer host any campus events, the statement said.
The suspension comes a little more than a month after Chi Phi fraternity was terminated for hazing practices and after Sigma Chi fraternity was suspended for violating alcohol probation.
Alpha Epsilon Pi can appeal the CSO’s decision.