As Charles said, we are happy with the new site but don’t plan to sit around while the web evolves around us. Many treat the launch of a new site as a stopping point, but we’re treating it as the beginning. Spend four months immersed in a project and see if you don’t have some new ideas by the end too…
Anyway, here is a short list of ideas for future enhancements to the site. Tell us what you think!
Online classifieds: In a month we’ll be launching a new online classifieds system (OCS) that will allow you to place ads for display in print, online or both through our web site. The other side of this is a new classifieds section at which will display online ads — these ads will also be rotated through every page on the site. This will be a great way to reach tons of eyes for a very low price. More news to follow… start page: We don’t know what to call it yet, but within a month we plan to debut a new “quick stop” page that contains a few articles from the Herald, wire news from around the USA and world, a weather forecast, a short calendar of events and a summary of bar drink specials. Consider it the “I just woke up but have to run to class” or “It’s Friday, I’m hungover and want to see some music tonight” or “I have short attention span” section of What kind of things would you like to see on this page?
News updates via email: RSS has made this partially obsolete (not using RSS yet?), but a lot of people still want to receive a daily email with the news. Don’t you? Your feedback is valuable!
Downloadable crossword puzzle: Want to kill some time with the crossword, but don’t have a paper nearby? You could always download it…