***Spoilers Ahead for WandaVision Episode 8***
This episode begins in Salem, Massachusetts in the year 1693, where we see Agatha survive an attempted killing by a group of witches, believing Agatha had engaged in Dark Magic.
After Agatha defeats the group of witches, we return to Westview, and Agatha leads Wanda through the memories of her life from the death of her parents in Sokovia to her visit to S.W.O.R.D. headquarters to see Vision’s body. Agatha believes Wanda has power beyond measure, and she wants to know how she has been able to control Westview.
As Wanda is dragged through the trauma in her life, Elizabeth Olsen delivers a world-class performance. Being forced to relive her lowest moments, we see the pain live out on her face in two distinct ways: the raw emotion as Wanda lives through the moment and the grief of present-day Wanda as the bandages are ripped off over and over again.
For a character who has gone through so much trauma, Olsen’s ability to always make the pain feel fresh and distinct is truly impressive.
While this episode was the longest yet, it still moved at such a clip. The writers impressively crafted this episode to bounce between each memory so quickly and still allow them to breathe. We feel the full weight of Wanda’s experiences but never feel as if the episode slows down.
This week’s episode ended with an incredible mid-credit stinger. This is sure to lead to a heartbreaking conflict in the show’s finale, when Wanda will inevitably have to fight her true love. Will we see Vision die for the third time on-screen, or will Wanda be able to turn him against his S.W.O.R.D. overseers?
Though this is not a Marvel film, the producers have inserted enough familiar flavor to keep us on the edge of our seats. The post-credit scenes have always acted as teasers for what’s to come, and though we know we will see their outcome in only one week, the WandaVision mid-credit scenes create the same level of delight and intrigue as their film counterparts.
The mystery of Westview continues to unfold in ‘WandaVision’ episode five
Despite next week’s being the final episode, I have no clue how they will be able to wrap up everything in a neat little bow– maybe, they won’t.
While this show has felt self-contained, we know it will lead into Spider-Man: No Way Home and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. It is not unlikely the final episode will end in a pseudo-cliffhanger. Vision’s fate, Agatha’s motivations and the reveal of Wanda’s full power all may have to wait for the big screen. But let’s hope not.
New episodes of WandaVision premiere every Friday on Disney Plus.