13 Q's Carly Piper
1. "How much fan mail do you receive?"
"Not that much. Probably a couple letters every couple weeks, if I'm lucky."
2. "Anyone on your old UW team that could beat you right now in a race?"
"What stroke, freestyle? I could be conceited and say none of them, but that probably is not true [laughing]."
3. "What's your biggest pet peeve?"
"People who drive too slow."
4. "What would you call your best swimming moment?"
"It's a tie between getting a gold at the Olympics and getting top-ten in the NCAA's my junior year."
5. "Your life rests on winning this one race, name one person you don't want racing against you."
"Natalie Coughlin, because she is just an amazing swimmer and she always beats me real good."
6. "Your house is on fire. Your family, friends, pets, etc. are all safe. What are you running back in to grab?"
"My gold medal. And some of my pants, because they are special and they are long. It's hard to find those. [Laughing] It's hard for me to find long pants!"
7. Word Association
Wisconsin: "Badgers."
Cats: "Dogs."
Dogs: "Cats."
Water: "Swimming."
Speedos: "Tight."
Gold Medal: "Athens."
Running: "Knees."
8. "Laps a day you swam when you were practicing at UW?"
"In a day? A couple miles at least. At least five grand a practice."
9. "Laps you swim a day now?"
"About the same; maybe more but probably the same."
10. "Most embarrassing swimming moment?"
"When I used to wear [a] normal cut suit, without the legs, swimming the longer races I used to get wedgies. When you are swimming a mile with your suit in the right place, you are thinking 'Oh, my god. Everybody can see my butt!', but I've asked some people and they say you can't. It's still pretty embarrassing."
11. "If you weren't a swimmer what would you be?"
"I'd probably just be a regular student. I'd probably really be into Pilates or something like that, not a competitive sport."
12. "Best advice you've ever received?"
"Keep on trying, no matter how hard it is."
13. "The one thing, besides swimming, that you cannot be beaten at."
"I have no idea. I can be beat at a lot of things, but I don't think I can answer that one."