This open letter to Chancellor Biddy Martin is excerpted from an acceptance speech given in response to an academic staff award.
Chancellor Martin, I’ve read with great interest your Undergraduate Initiative. Enhanced student services are mentioned several times. I think that is code for better academic advising. As someone who spends a lot of time — and I mean a lot — talking to students, I am thrilled to hear that.
A cautionary note: Misperceptions abound around the topic of advising. Good advising is happening all over campus, but advisers need your help. Here’s what you really need to be checking on.
1. Where is the next generation of classified staff, those critical student-service team members, going to come from? We expect smart, committed, student-focused people at the front desk, but they get almost no perks and zero advancement opportunities. It’s a huge challenge. Without them, we are sunk.
2. Where are the career advancement opportunities for committed, talented and productive advisors already at
3. Where is the leadership in student services going to come from when anyone can see a professional at UW-Madison is better rewarded for just about anything than for working with students? People who handle money at
So, we have a lot of confusion about advising at
Don Woolston
Assistant Dean
College of Engineering Academic Affairs