I attended the ASM Student Council meeting (on Dec. 10) and spoke in the open forum, representing Hoofers and my personal views. I spoke in favor of the Wisconsin Union Initiative Building Project, in addition to its design process thus far. In the Dec. 11 Badger Herald article entitled “ASM constitution heads to campuswide referendum next spring,” written by Mallory Cybulski, it states, “Student organizations, such as Hoofers and Working Class Student Union, said the executive position of the ASM constitution is too powerful and that on certain issues, ASM does not adequately represent the student body.”
This is completely inaccurate. I was the only representative from Hoofers who spoke during the forum, and I never once mentioned the ASM Constitution. My statement and followup responses to questions were very clearly addressing only the Union Building Project. As Hoofers president, it is my responsibility to represent the organization as a whole, and it is extremely irresponsible for a news media source to print information that is so blatantly false pertaining to the statement I made at Student Council. This type of error in reporting coverage is completely unacceptable.
Kyle Olsen
Hoofer council president, ASM shared governance representative
Senior, biology and zoology
[email protected]