I stand with #TheRealUW. I stand with Bucky. I stand with humanity. The purpose of the #TheRealUW movement is not to incite a race war here on campus, but to educate. There are many people who would not even be aware of these events if it weren’t for such a prominent social media platform.
Confronting #TheRealUW: Marginalized students reveal experiences of an unwelcoming campus
I have had many friends comment that by being my friend on Facebook, a place where I share every article about the events on campus — articles about sexual assaults here on campus and overall social injustices — has made them proud to be my friend and left them with the feeling of informed.
As I sit here reading the recent article The Badger Herald published as a letter to the editor, I am filled with relief and disappointment. I am glad someone who has similar background, a multiracial female living in Sellery Hall, has spoken up. I appreciate her argument and her use of freedom of speech. She is missing something though. She is missing the reason why we are here.
Letter to the editor: Open-mindedness needed by all involved in #TheRealUW
I came to this campus, too, with the impression it was diverse, but that belief has been retracted. I soon realized my part here on campus was to bring the diversity, bring the change. I do not think everyone that is white is “racist;” I do not think that Bucky is a Ku Klux Klan member. I am not trying to call you out. I am not trying to bring you down, or anyone for that matter. I envy you for having such luxury of not experiencing anything like #TheRealUW. I, too, rarely would, but when it happens, I notice. So I spoke up.
I recently gave a speech on microaggressions, and for a class lacking in minority numbers, the reactions could not have made me happier. They asked questions, and they asked for change. As I answered them I found one underlying theme: education.
Education, the reason we are all here at this campus, is the reason #TheRealUW exists. Education comes in many forms — Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, textbooks, protests, everyday interactions, etc. Just because some are a little stronger than others does not mean they should be disregarded.
#TheRealUW uses these as leeways to start conversation and education. We will continue to talk; we will continue to fight. We won’t push “intimidation and fear as tactics” to get our cause known, but use social media and campaigns to relieve the ignorance. I can see where many are coming from.
Many will comment, “What is it with these #TheRealUW people?” Our greatness in size and strength shouldn’t make you uninterested in our cause. Try putting yourself in our shoes; we have been silenced for too long. The silence made us strong and ready to fight. I urge you all to read up on our stories, educate yourselves, before you go ahead and judge us. We aren’t going anywhere and neither are these issues.
Kaitlynne Roling ([email protected]) is a freshman at UW.